Monday, March 15, 2010

Surprise Sweepstakes Win

Well, the treasure is coming in but kind of slowly.  No matter, it's still coming in stea1dily. I dug up a 1945 silver quarter at an old house site that was under construction. I have to get back there with the Ace 250 but it's been raining for 4 days straight so I need to let the mud settle a bit.  CRH has been slow but steady.  After the big snowmelt, the street finds have slowed a bit, but still coming in as well.  I was surprised to receive a sweepstakes win in the mail today from a sweepstakes I entered several months back.  It was a Dollar General sweep and one I considered very winnable. Only open 30 days, many prizes from $100,000 grand prize down to 400 4th place prizes of a $50 DG gift card.  Lo and behold, as you see in the photo, I won 6th prize of a $10 DG gift card.  Ha ha, that wasn't even listed in the rules! Oh well, I'll take it. Treasure comes in all forms. 


  1. Congrats on all! Way to go during a nasty, messy weekend!!

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